Healing Together as a Couple: Revisiting and Resolving Arguments

Blog: Articles on Psychological Wellbeing, Relationships, Brain Health, counseling and Neurofeedback

Welcome to the blog of Sojourn counseling and Neurofeedback. Articles posted here are written by our clinical staff and relate to services we offer or conditions we address. We hope they will be helpful to you in some way, whether you're considering counseling for yourself or someone else, gathering information on a mental health related issue, or just want to find out more about who we are and what we do.

Welcome back to our ongoing series exploring the transformative "Hold Me Tight" program, developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. This program is a beacon for couples seeking to deepen their emotional connection and secure their bonds. In our previous posts, we discussed the first two conversations, which helped couples identify destructive patterns and find new ways to connect emotionally. Today, we dive into Conversation 3: "Revisiting a Rocky Moment," a crucial step for healing and moving forward stronger than before.

Why focus on rocky moments? These are the times when misunderstandings and hurt feelings can escalate, leading to cycles of negative interactions that may haunt relationships long after they occur. Conversation 3 provides a structured approach for couples to revisit these moments not to reopen old wounds but to understand and heal them. This process is about transforming these moments with new meaning and building a foundation for a resilient, loving relationship.

As we explore this conversation, we'll look at why it's essential to address these difficult moments and how doing so can prevent harmful patterns from repeating. By revisiting and resolving these conflicts, couples can enhance their understanding of each other, foster forgiveness, and strengthen their bond. Let’s learn how to approach these rocky moments not as barriers but as bridges to deeper intimacy and connection.

Stay tuned as we guide you through this healing conversation with practical steps and an exercise designed to foster understanding and reconciliation. Whether you're looking to heal old wounds or simply deepen your connection, this conversation is a pivotal part of the journey towards a secure, loving relationship.

The Significance of Addressing Past Conflicts

In any relationship, conflicts are inevitable, but it is not the conflicts themselves that shape a relationship's future—it's how couples manage and resolve these conflicts. Addressing past conflicts is not just about understanding what went wrong; it's about learning from these experiences and preventing negative cycles that can damage emotional intimacy.

Prevent the Recurrence of Harmful Patterns: Revisiting rocky moments allows couples to identify and disrupt the negative interaction patterns that often recur in their relationships. By understanding the triggers and responses that fuel these cycles, couples can develop healthier ways to communicate and respond to each other's needs.

Foster Deeper Intimacy: Emotional injuries, when left unaddressed, can create barriers between partners, sometimes leading to emotional distancing or shutdown. Discussing these moments openly and honestly enables both partners to express vulnerability, which is a cornerstone of intimacy. This openness paves the way for greater empathy, strengthening the emotional bond.

Healing Old Wounds: Rocky moments often leave emotional scars that can influence how partners interact with each other. By revisiting these moments and working through them together, couples can heal these wounds. This healing process involves acknowledging the pain, understanding each other's perspectives, and offering mutual empathy and forgiveness.

Empowerment Through Mutual Understanding: When couples work through past conflicts, they often gain a deeper understanding of each other and of their relationship dynamics. This understanding empowers them to tackle future challenges more effectively, with a greater sense of teamwork and mutual support.

Addressing these conflicts might seem daunting at first. It requires both partners to delve into potentially painful memories and emotions. However, the process is also profoundly rewarding, as it leads to a more secure and satisfying relationship.

In the following section, we will provide a detailed guide to navigating Conversation 3, offering step-by-step instructions on how to revisit a rocky moment and turn it into an opportunity for growth and deeper connection.

How to Revisit an Argument

Successfully revisiting a rocky moment in a relationship requires careful preparation, open communication, and a commitment to mutual understanding and empathy. Here’s how couples can navigate this delicate conversation:

Selecting the Moment

Joint Decision: Both partners should agree on a specific incident to revisit. This ensures that both feel ready and committed to discussing it.
Focus on Learning: Choose a moment that seems to encapsulate recurring issues or feelings. The goal is not to assign blame but to understand and learn from this experience.

Exploring Underlying Emotions

Identify Feelings: Each partner takes time to reflect on their own feelings during the incident. What were the predominant emotions? Fear? Sadness? Anger?
Go Deeper: Try to understand why these emotions emerged. What needs or desires were unmet? How did these feelings influence your behavior?

Expressing and Sharing

Speak from the Self: Use "I" statements to express your feelings and experiences. For example, "I felt overwhelmed and unappreciated when..." instead of "You made me feel unappreciated."
No Blame Game: Focus on sharing your own emotional experience rather than criticizing or blaming your partner.

Empathic Listening

Active Listening: When your partner is speaking, listen to understand, not to respond. Show that you are engaged by nodding or paraphrasing what they’ve said to confirm understanding.
Empathy Over Solutions: Resist the urge to fix the problem immediately. The primary goal is to understand each other’s feelings and perspectives.

Exercise: Reconstructing a Rocky Moment

This exercise is designed to help you explore and share your perspectives in a structured way, fostering empathy and understanding.


Each partner writes down a brief description of the chosen moment, focusing on what they felt and why they think they reacted the way they did. This should be done separately to allow for honest self-reflection.

Exchange and Reflect

Swap what you've written with your partner. Take some time to read through their perspective quietly and try to really absorb their feelings and viewpoint.


Discuss what you've read about each other's experiences. This is a chance to ask clarifying questions and express empathy. Avoid defending your actions or contradicting their feelings; instead, focus on understanding why your partner felt the way they did.

Reframe the Narrative

Together, discuss how this situation could be handled differently in the future. Identify communication missteps or emotional triggers. Agree on strategies to better support each other during similar situations.

Practical Tips for Effective Communication

Navigating a conversation about a rocky moment can be challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain a constructive and compassionate dialogue:

Stay Calm and Focused: Emotional discussions can quickly become overwhelming. If you notice your stress levels rising, take a moment to breathe and center yourself. Maintaining calm can help keep the conversation productive.
Use Time-Outs Wisely: If emotions run too high, it's okay to pause the conversation. Agree on a time to come back and continue the discussion when both partners feel more settled.
Keep the End Goal in Mind: Remember, the purpose of revisiting rocky moments is not to win an argument but to understand each other better and strengthen your relationship. Keeping this goal in focus can help you navigate the conversation more effectively.

Overcoming Common Obstacles

While the intention behind revisiting rocky moments is to heal and improve your relationship, it's normal to encounter some challenges. Here are a few common ones and how you can overcome them:

Reluctance to Open Up: Some partners may feel hesitant or vulnerable when discussing past hurts. It’s important to create a safe, non-judgmental space where both can feel secure to share their feelings.
Blame Shifting: It’s easy to slip into blame instead of exploring one's own emotions and behaviors. Focus on discussing feelings and needs rather than actions and faults.
Revisiting the Pain: For some, these conversations can initially feel like reopening old wounds. It is crucial to approach this with the understanding that healing requires facing and working through discomfort.

In each of these cases, patience and a consistent commitment to understanding and supporting each other are key. Recognizing when you might need the assistance of a professional, such as a couples therapist, can also be vital. Our clinic offers specialized support in navigating these conversations, using techniques from Emotionally Focused Therapy and other modalities to guide couples through their challenges.

The Benefits of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a powerful approach that has been empirically validated to help couples move from conflict and detachment to connection and intimacy. By focusing on emotional bonds and attachment needs, EFT provides a structured path for couples to heal and strengthen their relationships.

Role of EFT in Revisiting Rocky Moments

Secure Emotional Attachment: EFT helps couples understand and express their deeper emotional needs, facilitating a stronger emotional attachment and resilience in relationships.
Disruption of Negative Cycles: EFT techniques are designed to help couples identify and break patterns of negative interactions, replacing them with positive dynamics that promote understanding and support.
Enhanced Empathy: Through EFT, partners learn to respond to each other's emotional cues with empathy and compassion, crucial for healing old wounds and preventing new ones.
Our clinic incorporates EFT along with other therapeutic modalities to assist couples through their relationship challenges, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to navigate rocky moments effectively.


Revisiting a rocky moment in a relationship is more than just recounting a painful memory; it is about transforming that memory into a stepping stone for greater intimacy and understanding. Revisiting an argument the Hold Me Tight way provides couples with the framework to turn challenging experiences into opportunities for growth and connection.

We encourage all couples to approach this conversation with openness, patience, and a commitment to mutual growth. Remember, the path through discomfort often leads to significant emotional healing. If you find yourselves needing guidance or support as you navigate this process, our clinic is here to help. We offer specialized counseling that can provide the tools and space needed to explore these conversations safely and constructively.

For those interested in further resources, you can explore more about Emotionally Focused Therapy and other relationship-building techniques on our website. Additionally, if you missed the earlier parts of this series, be sure to check out our previous posts to get fully up to speed.

Thank you for joining us in this exploration of "Hold Me Tight." Stay tuned for our next installment, where we will delve deeper into the transformative power of open, honest communication in relationships.

Additional Resources and Next Steps
As we wrap up our exploration of Conversation 3: "Revisiting a Rocky Moment," we hope you feel equipped and inspired to tackle this important dialogue with your partner. Remember, the journey of relationship growth is ongoing and each step you take is an investment in a deeper, more fulfilling connection.

Explore More:

Hold Me Tight: For those interested in a deeper dive, Dr. Sue Johnson's book "Hold Me Tight" offers comprehensive insights into creating lasting bonds between partners.
Workshops and Seminars: Consider participating in workshops and seminars that focus on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and relationship building. These can provide valuable hands-on experience and guidance.

Visit Our Blog: Keep up with our blog for more insightful posts on relationships, therapy techniques, and personal growth.
Schedule a Session: If you’re looking for more personalized guidance, our therapists at Sojourn Counselling and Neurofeedback are skilled in a range of therapies tailored to support couples at various stages of their relationship. Visit our website to learn more about our services and to schedule a session.

Your Journey Continues
Every relationship has its unique challenges and moments of triumph. By choosing to revisit and resolve rocky moments, you not only heal past wounds but also lay down a stronger foundation for the future. Whether you do this work independently or seek support from professionals like us, what matters most is your commitment to nurturing and deepening your relationship.

Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your relationship journey. We look forward to supporting you as you continue to explore, grow, and strengthen your bond with your partner.

Welcome back to our ongoing series exploring the transformative "Hold Me Tight" program, developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. This program is a beacon for couples seeking to deepen their emotional connection and secure their bonds. In our previous posts, we discussed the first two conversations, which helped couples identify destructive patterns and find new ways to connect emotionally. Today, we dive into Conversation 3: "Revisiting a Rocky Moment," a crucial step for healing and moving forward stronger than before.

Why focus on rocky moments? These are the times when misunderstandings and hurt feelings can escalate, leading to cycles of negative interactions that may haunt relationships long after they occur. Conversation 3 provides a structured approach for couples to revisit these moments not to reopen old wounds but to understand and heal them. This process is about transforming these moments with new meaning and building a foundation for a resilient, loving relationship.

As we explore this conversation, we'll look at why it's essential to address these difficult moments and how doing so can prevent harmful patterns from repeating. By revisiting and resolving these conflicts, couples can enhance their understanding of each other, foster forgiveness, and strengthen their bond. Let’s learn how to approach these rocky moments not as barriers but as bridges to deeper intimacy and connection.

Stay tuned as we guide you through this healing conversation with practical steps and an exercise designed to foster understanding and reconciliation. Whether you're looking to heal old wounds or simply deepen your connection, this conversation is a pivotal part of the journey towards a secure, loving relationship.

The Significance of Addressing Past Conflicts

In any relationship, conflicts are inevitable, but it is not the conflicts themselves that shape a relationship's future—it's how couples manage and resolve these conflicts. Addressing past conflicts is not just about understanding what went wrong; it's about learning from these experiences and preventing negative cycles that can damage emotional intimacy.

Prevent the Recurrence of Harmful Patterns: Revisiting rocky moments allows couples to identify and disrupt the negative interaction patterns that often recur in their relationships. By understanding the triggers and responses that fuel these cycles, couples can develop healthier ways to communicate and respond to each other's needs.

Foster Deeper Intimacy: Emotional injuries, when left unaddressed, can create barriers between partners, sometimes leading to emotional distancing or shutdown. Discussing these moments openly and honestly enables both partners to express vulnerability, which is a cornerstone of intimacy. This openness paves the way for greater empathy, strengthening the emotional bond.

Healing Old Wounds: Rocky moments often leave emotional scars that can influence how partners interact with each other. By revisiting these moments and working through them together, couples can heal these wounds. This healing process involves acknowledging the pain, understanding each other's perspectives, and offering mutual empathy and forgiveness.

Empowerment Through Mutual Understanding: When couples work through past conflicts, they often gain a deeper understanding of each other and of their relationship dynamics. This understanding empowers them to tackle future challenges more effectively, with a greater sense of teamwork and mutual support.

Addressing these conflicts might seem daunting at first. It requires both partners to delve into potentially painful memories and emotions. However, the process is also profoundly rewarding, as it leads to a more secure and satisfying relationship.

In the following section, we will provide a detailed guide to navigating Conversation 3, offering step-by-step instructions on how to revisit a rocky moment and turn it into an opportunity for growth and deeper connection.

How to Revisit an Argument

Successfully revisiting a rocky moment in a relationship requires careful preparation, open communication, and a commitment to mutual understanding and empathy. Here’s how couples can navigate this delicate conversation:

Selecting the Moment

Joint Decision: Both partners should agree on a specific incident to revisit. This ensures that both feel ready and committed to discussing it.
Focus on Learning: Choose a moment that seems to encapsulate recurring issues or feelings. The goal is not to assign blame but to understand and learn from this experience.

Exploring Underlying Emotions

Identify Feelings: Each partner takes time to reflect on their own feelings during the incident. What were the predominant emotions? Fear? Sadness? Anger?
Go Deeper: Try to understand why these emotions emerged. What needs or desires were unmet? How did these feelings influence your behavior?

Expressing and Sharing

Speak from the Self: Use "I" statements to express your feelings and experiences. For example, "I felt overwhelmed and unappreciated when..." instead of "You made me feel unappreciated."
No Blame Game: Focus on sharing your own emotional experience rather than criticizing or blaming your partner.

Empathic Listening

Active Listening: When your partner is speaking, listen to understand, not to respond. Show that you are engaged by nodding or paraphrasing what they’ve said to confirm understanding.
Empathy Over Solutions: Resist the urge to fix the problem immediately. The primary goal is to understand each other’s feelings and perspectives.

Exercise: Reconstructing a Rocky Moment

This exercise is designed to help you explore and share your perspectives in a structured way, fostering empathy and understanding.


Each partner writes down a brief description of the chosen moment, focusing on what they felt and why they think they reacted the way they did. This should be done separately to allow for honest self-reflection.

Exchange and Reflect

Swap what you've written with your partner. Take some time to read through their perspective quietly and try to really absorb their feelings and viewpoint.


Discuss what you've read about each other's experiences. This is a chance to ask clarifying questions and express empathy. Avoid defending your actions or contradicting their feelings; instead, focus on understanding why your partner felt the way they did.

Reframe the Narrative

Together, discuss how this situation could be handled differently in the future. Identify communication missteps or emotional triggers. Agree on strategies to better support each other during similar situations.

Practical Tips for Effective Communication

Navigating a conversation about a rocky moment can be challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain a constructive and compassionate dialogue:

Stay Calm and Focused: Emotional discussions can quickly become overwhelming. If you notice your stress levels rising, take a moment to breathe and center yourself. Maintaining calm can help keep the conversation productive.
Use Time-Outs Wisely: If emotions run too high, it's okay to pause the conversation. Agree on a time to come back and continue the discussion when both partners feel more settled.
Keep the End Goal in Mind: Remember, the purpose of revisiting rocky moments is not to win an argument but to understand each other better and strengthen your relationship. Keeping this goal in focus can help you navigate the conversation more effectively.

Overcoming Common Obstacles

While the intention behind revisiting rocky moments is to heal and improve your relationship, it's normal to encounter some challenges. Here are a few common ones and how you can overcome them:

Reluctance to Open Up: Some partners may feel hesitant or vulnerable when discussing past hurts. It’s important to create a safe, non-judgmental space where both can feel secure to share their feelings.
Blame Shifting: It’s easy to slip into blame instead of exploring one's own emotions and behaviors. Focus on discussing feelings and needs rather than actions and faults.
Revisiting the Pain: For some, these conversations can initially feel like reopening old wounds. It is crucial to approach this with the understanding that healing requires facing and working through discomfort.

In each of these cases, patience and a consistent commitment to understanding and supporting each other are key. Recognizing when you might need the assistance of a professional, such as a couples therapist, can also be vital. Our clinic offers specialized support in navigating these conversations, using techniques from Emotionally Focused Therapy and other modalities to guide couples through their challenges.

The Benefits of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a powerful approach that has been empirically validated to help couples move from conflict and detachment to connection and intimacy. By focusing on emotional bonds and attachment needs, EFT provides a structured path for couples to heal and strengthen their relationships.

Role of EFT in Revisiting Rocky Moments

Secure Emotional Attachment: EFT helps couples understand and express their deeper emotional needs, facilitating a stronger emotional attachment and resilience in relationships.
Disruption of Negative Cycles: EFT techniques are designed to help couples identify and break patterns of negative interactions, replacing them with positive dynamics that promote understanding and support.
Enhanced Empathy: Through EFT, partners learn to respond to each other's emotional cues with empathy and compassion, crucial for healing old wounds and preventing new ones.
Our clinic incorporates EFT along with other therapeutic modalities to assist couples through their relationship challenges, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to navigate rocky moments effectively.


Revisiting a rocky moment in a relationship is more than just recounting a painful memory; it is about transforming that memory into a stepping stone for greater intimacy and understanding. Revisiting an argument the Hold Me Tight way provides couples with the framework to turn challenging experiences into opportunities for growth and connection.

We encourage all couples to approach this conversation with openness, patience, and a commitment to mutual growth. Remember, the path through discomfort often leads to significant emotional healing. If you find yourselves needing guidance or support as you navigate this process, our clinic is here to help. We offer specialized counseling that can provide the tools and space needed to explore these conversations safely and constructively.

For those interested in further resources, you can explore more about Emotionally Focused Therapy and other relationship-building techniques on our website. Additionally, if you missed the earlier parts of this series, be sure to check out our previous posts to get fully up to speed.

Thank you for joining us in this exploration of "Hold Me Tight." Stay tuned for our next installment, where we will delve deeper into the transformative power of open, honest communication in relationships.

Additional Resources and Next Steps
As we wrap up our exploration of Conversation 3: "Revisiting a Rocky Moment," we hope you feel equipped and inspired to tackle this important dialogue with your partner. Remember, the journey of relationship growth is ongoing and each step you take is an investment in a deeper, more fulfilling connection.

Explore More:

Hold Me Tight: For those interested in a deeper dive, Dr. Sue Johnson's book "Hold Me Tight" offers comprehensive insights into creating lasting bonds between partners.
Workshops and Seminars: Consider participating in workshops and seminars that focus on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and relationship building. These can provide valuable hands-on experience and guidance.

Visit Our Blog: Keep up with our blog for more insightful posts on relationships, therapy techniques, and personal growth.
Schedule a Session: If you’re looking for more personalized guidance, our therapists at Sojourn Counselling and Neurofeedback are skilled in a range of therapies tailored to support couples at various stages of their relationship. Visit our website to learn more about our services and to schedule a session.

Your Journey Continues
Every relationship has its unique challenges and moments of triumph. By choosing to revisit and resolve rocky moments, you not only heal past wounds but also lay down a stronger foundation for the future. Whether you do this work independently or seek support from professionals like us, what matters most is your commitment to nurturing and deepening your relationship.

Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your relationship journey. We look forward to supporting you as you continue to explore, grow, and strengthen your bond with your partner.

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